Disability Benefits Advisers
Breaking down barriers for Deaf and Disabled People

Our aim is to bring autonomy and agency back to Deaf and disabled people in being able to claim disability benefits as independently as possible. We want customers to feel that they are in control of their claims, understand the information, and as a result are more successful in their applications.
We also run Deaf, disability and LGBT+ inclusion workshops hoping this will lead to places becoming more inclusive whether this is in the workplace, education, or in general society. We have the right to be treated fairly and have equal access to every aspect of our lives. Our hope is to bring not just greater awareness but to support organisations' inclusion and opportunities to people regardless of disability, sexual orientation, gender identity or expression.
We strive to ensure our content and work is accessible, so if you can't access some of our content or have specific requirements for a session, please contact us and we will adapt as required!
While you’re here on our site, take a look at some things we have to offer.
Disability Benefit Consultations
We offer help and consultations for PIP disability claims in the UK as well as Disability Allowance for those in Ireland. For more information please go to our page on disability benefits support. We help anyone who is considering applying, whether you are working out whether you are eligible, are about to start your claim or have your renewal coming up.
If money is tight, don't worry! Contact us and we will see what we can do!
Inclusion Training
We offer a range of inclusion training to both small groups, interpreting agencies and corporate organisations. It can be difficult to know what as an organisation you can do to improve inclusivity and how to help staff really get an in-depth understanding - so we am there to help, whether it's Deaf communication for new staff, discussing LGBT+ community history, or more in-depth CPD knowledge in order to effectively work with disabled people.


Jasper (he/him)
Founder, benefits adviser and inclusion community trainer

Ela (she/her)
Disability benefits adviser

Cameron (he/him)
Content and social media specialist

Vivine (she/her)
Disability benefits adviser
Thriving Autistic
Thriving Autistic is a not-for-profit social enterprise that supports the autistic community globally. Thriving Autistic aims to promote and protect the human rights of autistic and neurodivergent people, following Nothing About Us Without Us. All directors and practitioners are either autistic and/or neurodivergent themselves.
Thriving Autistic Offers 1:1 and group support, community webinars and training, as well as consultation for mental health practitioners and workplaces. Thriving Autistic is directed by Tara O'Donnell-Killen and Jessica K. Doyle.

Times available for consultation
Mon - Fri: 10am - 5pm
Sat: 11am - 4pm
Sunday: Closed